

This tag is associated with 20 posts

I watched a movie – Certified Copy by Abbas Kiarostami

I watched an art movie with Juliette Binoche in it. How can I sum up my feelings? I’m going to let my characters speak for me. Here is the cast of Lunatics in the short – Movie Night! MOVIE NIGHT (A lunatics short) Hiromi: So this is your favorite film? Certified Copy by Abbas Kiarostami … Continue reading

Why I didn’t like Tomorrowland by an Optimistic Futurist

Today I watched the movie, Tomorrowland. It showed me a vision of the future with jet packs and gleaming white cities floating in the clouds. But despite the beauty and the vision, I was left with an undercurrent of dread and lingering fear. Why? What could I possibly object to? Is this not the future … Continue reading


“Lunatics!” is a science fiction animated web series about the very first Lunar settlers. “Someone has to be crazy enough to go first!” It’s the year 2040, and seven-year-old Georgiana Lerner is destined to become not only the first child to go into space, but she will fly all the way to the Moon with … Continue reading

Lunatics and telling more than one story

http://kck.st/1bPRPwb A friend pointed me to this TED talk today. In it the author is talking about how it is important to write more than one story about a people or people will have stereotypes about them because they know so little about their culture. Well the same is true about the future of humans … Continue reading

Lunatics Animatic

Lunatics Animatic. The thing that I’ll remember 2012 most for is that it is the year that I took my writing seriously and tried to publish for the first time. What we made is the web series LUNATICS whose pilot episode NO CHILDREN IN SPACE was to be animated with money that we raised in … Continue reading

13th moon

This year there are 13 full moons instead of 12. An extra moon has no expectations. It is a time of magic and wishes. A time full of possibilities. A time when hidden things are revealed, and dreams can come true. Make a wish. Live a dream, under the 13th moon. All seems possible when … Continue reading

The Orionids

Falling star flies by like a spear it impales the heart of Orion


Moon by a planet Shining in a sky of blue A flag in the sky.

We have only hours left!

I have talked real actors into reading my script, and we will have a Readthrough of script by full cast. tomorrow. But my kickstarter campaign to pay them is going to fall through unless someone helps TODAY! Please help if you can.  

Art books are out – Four days left on our kickstart

Art books are out – Four days left on our kickstart. I have four days to raise money to hire the voice cast. If you can help, and if you want the book. Pledge something. Please Ros Good wishes to the family of Neil Armstrong.