
The new BBC Sherlock is just amazing.

I love the way they adapt the old stories and mix them with the new.

Of course I have my theory about how Sherlock will come back.

But my theories fall from my skull fully formed like Athena.

not really, but I have written a screenplay for return.

If there is enough interest I will put the whole thing up, but right now, I am still tweaking the script.

here is the beginning:



3 thoughts on “Sherlock

  1. I absolutely love Sherlock Holmes, Ive read nearly all the old books and a few of the new ones too. I especially love the films with Robert Downey Jnr. Hes gorrrrgeous! Saying all that, I never did watch the BBC series of Sherlock. Think Ive missed a trick here. :/

    Posted by chaoticscribbles | June 9, 2012, 5:24 pm

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